Quick Tips for Localization Quick Tips for Localization

Quick Tips for Localization

Megan Dobransky

🍿 1 min. read

In this global economy where companies have offices all over the world, sometimes your courses will need to be translated and localized. Here are a few tips to make that process easier.

Think ahead

Make sure you leave space in the design for longer translations. Keep all your source files accurate and current; that will help with translation later. Put repeated phrases or button text in a template so they only have to be changed once.

Know your audience

Translating to other languages can be tricky. Don’t complicate it by adding slang, jargon or phrases used only in your office. Also, remember that certain hand gestures, body language and other elements of your course that are common in the U.S. might be offensive in other cultures.

More than text

When you’re localizing eLearning, remember to update more than just the text. Think about images of dollar bills, road signs and other American-centric items that might need to be changed to reflect other countries.

Know your software

Make sure that your LMS or publishing software can handle other languages. You wouldn’t want to finish the translations and find out it won’t play. Through our partnerships, EdgePoint Learning provides translation and localization services that enable customers to deliver training in multiple languages.